Not sure what classical music you can play for your family? (We recommend 1 hour a day for listening to music especially if you are learning an instrument)
How much do you know about the Cello Bow?About the Cello Bow Master Piano Institute offers beginner cello lessons, cello lessons for kids. Learn Cello with us.
如何妥善保养维护大提琴?提琴一般的壽命最多可以到三百年. 如果保養得宜 還有可能再長一些。通常一把琴可以被五至六代职业演奏家使用,这之后木材老化造成琴板强度降低,薄薄的琴板无法抵抗来自琴弦的压力,结构的变形直接影响到发音,这 把琴就不能再用了。...